Near Parque Estadual Turístico Alta Ribeira (PETAR) |
The Atlantic Rainforest, considered one of the
25 biodiversity hotspots for conservation priority, is composed of two forest types: coastal rainforest and semi-deciduous forest. It extends over mountain slopes, goes to the sea, over coastal plains, contains swamp forests, and includes open thicket vegetation. While it once covered the majority of eastern Brazil, the Atlantic Rainforest has now been
reduced to only 7% of its original area. Of the vast number of species found in this habitat, many endemic, an
estimated 60% are classified as threatened or endangered.
I wanted to start the year off with one of my favorite photos I have taken (and the scene for the blog background). It should also be worth mentioning that, after mulling it over for a few weeks, I'm switching the updates to every Tuesday and Thursday. Depending on how that pans out, it may or may not end up being a permanent switch. The only other change this year is an addition to the title. I've focused more on facts than photography as I've been going along, and I don't see that changing!
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