Common Potoo(s), Nyctibius griseus griseus |
The Common Potoo, or Grey Potoo, is a neotropical bird of the nightjar family found
throughout most of South America. As with many of the members of the
Caprimulgiformes, these nocturnal insectivores are sometimes confused for owls. While there has been debate as to the
classification of this order, there are some
similar characteristics such as a wide gaping mouth and roosting spot preference.
Excellent camouflage of mother and juvenile common potoo. |
Camouflage plays an important role in the survival of this species where during the day they look like simple tree branching. The common potoo has a large range, but population trends show a
decrease likely from habitat destruction. The vast range,
nocturnal habits, and limited research within the region has left much to still be discovered about this particular species and its proposed subspecies.
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