Canada Goose, Branta canadensis |
In addition to its native range within most of North America, the Canada goose has been
introduced to Europe, Australia, and parts of Asia. They are migratory with breeding grounds in Canada, but they do not winter as far south as in the past, and more southern populations are becoming year round residents. While Canada geese can be found in wetlands, lakes, parks, and ponds, they prefer open, grassy habitats which includes urban and suburban lawns. The grass can be digested, and a
manicured lawn offers an unobstructed view of potential approaching predators when feeding with their young. Grasses and sedges are the majority of their diet in spring and summer while berries and seeds, including agricultural grains, are consumed more during fall and winter. Canada geese have few predators due to their large size, but as they are a game bird, their main predator is humans.
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